Thursday, 25 May 2017

Recipe's name

Delicious Ramadhan

Puasa is just around the corner and Lazada Marhaban Ya Ramadhan and Riang Ria Raya sale ( will take place from May 19 to 30 June (where you can find special discounts up to 90%!).

a. What are your favorite Iftar dishes? 

b. Share the recipes of the dishes 



1 1/2 cup flour
100ml water
3 spoon milk 
1 spoon butter 

How to :-

1. . Mix water,milk and a little bit of salt in a bowl, and then slowly put flour while stirring until it mixed together. Add some butter and mixed it till it soft in 8 to 10 minutes.

2. Take a lil bit of dough and make well round shape like a ping pong and layer it with butter and keep it in a bowl that already been layered with butter

3. Keep it 4-5 hours.


2 tin sardine 
3piece of eggs
1onion, sliced

Combine all ingredients and put a 3-4 tablespoons the dough that has been be fold like a square shape and fried at a hot frying pan.

Andd its ready to be serve!

c. What kind of products can you find on Lazada’s platform to help you prepare the dishes? 

1. Ayam Brand Sardines Jitneys (155G)